In Specialty Coffee, Seasonality is key

We believe that seasonality is an underestimated factor in coffee. While we strive to bring the beans during their peak season, we also offer certain origins throughout the year, primarily Brazil, Guatemala, Ethiopia, and Kenya.

Brazil: The Brazil IAN is not our most refined coffee, but rather a good, solid, smooth coffee that is served in many bars, restaurants, or enjoyed by people who prefer an easy-going coffee. The quality does drop a bit between summer and the new year, but considering its price, it offers excellent value for money as an espresso coffee. Our CASCAVEL VERMELHA is available throughout the year.

If you're looking for Brazilian coffees for filter brewing, why would you? It's better to opt for African or the more refined Central American coffees from our selection.

Guatemala: Most years, we have a good selection of Specialty coffees from Guatemala, but primarily we purchase coffee there for blending into our espresso blends. The new harvest usually begins around May. This year, in 2023, the Guatemala crop for 'specials' is relatively late and will only be launched in July, featuring a Double Bill EL BUHO, washed and anaerobic. Expect some sparks!

Kenya: The one and only king of filter coffee. It boasts plenty of fruity flavors and high acidity, making it even better with a bit more water - yes, you can use boiling water for filter brewing. We have all the green beans packed in vacuum-sealed packages and stored in a cool basement or warehouse to maintain freshness throughout the year. The new harvest typically arrives between the end of May and the beginning of July. This year, it starts in the third week of June with a brilliant GATINA. We have purchased three lots from this station, each with different screenings: AA, AB, and PB. Quite unique, I must say.

Ethiopia: When you start with a more flavorful coffee, it's easier to maintain a lot of flavor throughout the year. The new harvest generally arrives around April/May, but in 2023, it's late with the ARICHA available on the shelf for the past two weeks. The naturals will be later this year and are scheduled only for the month of August! We have acquired two nice fruity lots, each weighing 600 kilos.

Other country's recommended period to buy/drink coffee from:

Peru: November - June

Colombia: November - June (sometimes there's good mid season stuff as well)

Rwanda & Burundi: December - July

Centrals (Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua): June or July till Jan

Indonesia: November - January (it's the most shaky origin in terms of shelf life, so watch out)

Uganda: Varying, but mainly June - Feb

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