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About Us
At the start of Caffenation, 15 years ago, three major corner stones were visible, and are still the reason we open our doors every day :
- Giving people a Second Home.
Welcome them in and give them a good time. -
The Sky is the limit on :
Beans : At Caffenation we use freshly roasted Seasonal Specialty beans with a story.
Equipment : Our equipment is endless and state of the art ; we’re even selected by multiple suppliers to test and perfectionate their tools or machines.
Staff : With 11 professional and well trained Baristas we serve you 7 on 7 Filter, Espresso, Espresso Based and Cold Brew coffees with passion and dedication. - Change the ball game :
We want to change the coffee landscape with being one step ahead on both coffee quality and experience, and this way hopefully motivate both professional and home coffee lovers to improve their cup of coffee.

What's important for us?
For getting all these amazing flavors in your cup, it's very important we keep a focus on the following:
- 'In Season' means single-origin beans, which are no older than 10 months from the completion of the harvest. You'll taste the difference between fresh or old crop. (probably we dare to stay more flexible for Ethiopian, Kenyan or Vac Packed beans)
- 'City+ or Full City Roast' means Sweeter, with great balance in acid, aroma and complexity, but still with enough body. These roasts also give a longer shelf life, although we hope your bag is empty every week. :-)
- 'Freshly Roasted' : not only we like freshly ground; most coffees will get to your doorstep within a couple days after roasting.
- 'Specialty Coffee' : what's specialty and what's not? Tough one. For us 'Specialty Coffee' is coffee with a story, with something exceptional, not conventional, as clean as possible, gourmet, premium, 82+ points coffees (cupped on a 100 points scale).
- 'Coffee with a Story' : we guarantee some info about the bean, origin, country and taste.
- 'Correct Brewing' : on the bag, envelop or at the blog, you'll find brewing advise. The coffee will only taste as good as how you prepare it. Still have some questions; don't hesitate to ask us or one of our specialized dealers.
- 'Local' : the roasted coffee comes from Antwerp. Not from a factory far away. Not flown over with an airplane.
- 'Micro Roast' : all these coffees are roasted on a 25 kilo roaster, in which we roast 20 kilo (finished product) at a time. We believe this small scale roasting gives us deeper flavors. Yes, we are small, artisan, and focused on quality.