After Burner Stories

What's this for a machine Rob? 

It's a coffee roaster after burner honey. 

Technically it's not easy to explain what this machine does in detail since i'm not an engineer and certainly not an English-speaking one. 

It's basically needed to reduce fume, odors, NOx (fine dust) and Carbone monoxide emission. 

When the coffee roaster is roasting coffee we see 2 types of danger, one is for the health of the people who roast it and the other for the people living nearby a coffee roastery. 

The coffee roasting professionals can have headaches or breathing troubles from the roaster. To prevent this you need a good ventilation system that makes sure your air is being renewed all the time. 

Actually this was one of our highest concerns when moving to the new plant last year. At the original coffee roastery we didn't have proper ventilation and this, certainly in the winter months, caused some problems for the guys roasting the coffee. The ventilation we have up and running now does the job perfectly. 

Second danger comes from the gas we use to roast the coffee. Almost all chemical components from the roasting process come from the burning of gas, NOT from the roasting of coffee itself. And is not so different from you gas burning at home.

This after burner makes sure the outburst of toxic gases is reduced to a bare minimum. 

While many approaches may be used to reduce or eliminate pollutants from food processing exhaust, the most common approach with coffee is to apply more heat. Afterburners are typical for small roasters.

Of course we are not talking about a big industrial coffee roastery here: we roast not so much and only 3 days a week. So the gas bill is not higher then this of a family living in a big house (imagining they have a gas heater of course).

But we want to communicate open about it and explain clients and neighbours what we are doing at Caffenation. We believe it's important to have an open transparant business, so our clients know who they are dealing with. People who want to see how the machines and practises are going are always welcome. 

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