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New: Brazil IAN Coffee Capsules

We wanted to offer Nespresso drinkers an easy way to discover truly great coffees by a mere push on their machine's brew button. This resulted in us launching our Specialty Coffee Capsules range last year in September.
For many years we’ve been admiring the technique behind Nespresso capsules and its compatible machines. These days people are able to buy a machine for less than €100,00 that produces better tasting coffee than the ones you can find in most bars. This is quite a remarkable feat if you keep in mind that these bars often buy big, expensive machinery and hire professionals steering them.
Unfortunately for coffee consumers, the quality of the machinery and the perfect engineering of the capsules holding the freshly ground coffee, wasn’t equalled by great coffee. Very often the beans were cheap and old, and the coffee inside the capsules we encountered on the Belgian market was roasted very dark, which resulted in a lot of burned and bitter flavours. The hole (and need) in this market was so big that we could not not jump into it. Our biggest problem however was finding a person building the right kind of capsules for us.
When we encountered Mark Klep, it wasn’t a question whether he was the right person to do so, but rather a matter of working out an agreement for this new partnership. The way he first grinds the coffee beans and then seals the grounds in an ecological compostable capsule is the work of a true genius. Another focus of his was checking up on the harvesting and processing of beans and whether this was done in a correct manner. He truly believes that eco-friendly packaging deserves an eco-friendly coffee bean, which is understandable. The thing about good coffee beans though is that there’s only a limited availability of organic coffees that tastes good enough to meet our standards.
Selecting the right beans for our different capsules has been quite the task. Whenever we could, we opted for organic labeled beans or passive organic beans, like most Ethiopian coffees.
The three different flavours we launched in September 2018 (Caps. SAUL, Mister LGB and Roast ED) have been a tremendous success so far. This is why we’ve decided to broaden our line-up by adding another flavour to please our current clients and attract even more coffee lovers.
Our new turquoise coloured capsules hold two Brazilian beans – in most capsules we blend two different beans to ensure a more balanced profile - presenting aromas and flavours that are typical for coffee lovers’ paradise, Brazil. Mantiqueira Mountains and Bota Fora are the two coffees we alternatively use to fill our Brazil IAN coffee bags and now, together, in the capsules as well.
If you are looking for a smooth and velvety soft, typical Brazilian coffee, this one could (scratch that, should) be the one for you.
The price for a box of 10 capsules is €4,50.
For professional users (companies, small bars, ....) we have a wholesale offer you can't refuse on our pro website: