Our 2023 Transparency Report.

Our 2023 Transparency Report.
As we are part of this great coffee Transparency platform 'The Pledge' we like to explain what the Vision and Commitment is regarding transparency in our business.

  • Ensure a sustainable supply of coffee by working towards a living income for producers so they will continue to invest in the future of their businesses.
  • Transparent reporting enables actors along the supply chain to make informed choices. This will help the industry to raise prices paid to farmers and provide living incomes in coffee producing countries.
  • Transparency about Free On Board (FOB) Prices is a first step. 
  • Transparency is a tool to ensure that marketing claims are backed by actual facts. 


  • We will create transparency data that is publicly available and easily accessible;
  • state the producer/producer organization the coffee was purchased from;
  • state the Free On Board (FOB) price paid for the coffee;
  • indicate the quality of the coffee, for instance by using the SCA score in order to indicate cup quality;
  • state the lot size (volume) of the coffee purchased;
  • state the percentage of transparent coffees in relation to the total volume of coffee (in lbs/tonnes) sold in the stated year.

Our full 2023 - yes I know it's a bit late - will be online, on the website, together with a bit of explanation. 

Click here

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