BAC 17: The best 3 Aeropress recipes

The coffee: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe CHELELEKTU.

Number 1, Scarlett van Nispen:

Coffee: 30g
Water: 120g & 110g @ 90°C
Brewer: inverted
Filters: 3 layers: Paper, Able metallic filter, paper
Pick out all coffee beans that are pale, too big, too small or ear-shaped. 
Grind coffee at "8.5" on a Mahlkonig Tanzania. Smell to check for any defects. 
Water (from the Brita installation at Caffènation) 
Wet filter, with one metal filter inbetween two paper filters. 
Pour 120g water
Stir three times
At 50", press for 20 seconds (stop before it makes a hissing sound)
Add 110g water in by pass
Let coffee cool down till 40 degrees, if possible.

Number 2, Phil Coppin:

- Aeropress in upright postion , 4 rinsed paper filters .

- 30g coffee coarse grind (#17,5 Faema MPN) sieved at 500 micron .

- 260g water BaristaHustle "Hendon" recipe at 86°C

1 : Add 70g water

2 : Stir 10 sec with a chopstick

3 : At 00:30 add 90g water

4 : At 1:00 start pressing till you have 100gr coffee 

5 : Bypass 100gr coffee + 100gr water

6 : Serve !

Number 3, Danny Calders:

* Water: Barista Hustle recipe (48,8gr buffer / 20,4gr magnesium / 930,8gr distilled water)
total used 260ml
* Grind size: 4 on Handground manual grinder, fines discarded
total 28gr coffee
* Filter: 2 standard paper filters + Able disk fine metal filter
* Method: inverted

1. pour 120ml water at 55C in a server and cover, pre-wet the filter
2. add 28gr of coffee in the inverted aeropress
3. pour 140ml water at 85C, stir 4 times at 0:30
4. brew till 3:10, stir 4 times, put cap on and press out air
5. flip the aeropress at 3:30 and press for 30sec on top of the water in the server
6. swirl & serve!

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