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BAC 17: The best 3 Aeropress recipes
The coffee: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe CHELELEKTU.
Number 1, Scarlett van Nispen:
Number 2, Phil Coppin:
- Aeropress in upright postion , 4 rinsed paper filters .
- 30g coffee coarse grind (#17,5 Faema MPN) sieved at 500 micron .
- 260g water BaristaHustle "Hendon" recipe at 86°C
1 : Add 70g water
2 : Stir 10 sec with a chopstick
3 : At 00:30 add 90g water
4 : At 1:00 start pressing till you have 100gr coffee
5 : Bypass 100gr coffee + 100gr water
6 : Serve !
Number 3, Danny Calders:
* Water: Barista Hustle recipe (48,8gr buffer / 20,4gr magnesium / 930,8gr distilled water)
total used 260ml
* Grind size: 4 on Handground manual grinder, fines discarded
total 28gr coffee
* Filter: 2 standard paper filters + Able disk fine metal filter
* Method: inverted
1. pour 120ml water at 55C in a server and cover, pre-wet the filter
2. add 28gr of coffee in the inverted aeropress
3. pour 140ml water at 85C, stir 4 times at 0:30
4. brew till 3:10, stir 4 times, put cap on and press out air
5. flip the aeropress at 3:30 and press for 30sec on top of the water in the server
6. swirl & serve!